My first impression of Syndey is it looks like Montreal with the old sandstone buildings, deep culture and the feeling that the people here never sleep. Also, it feels like a sauna, and smells like insects. I love the place.
Our first hostel was very friendly, we sat in the courtyard and complained about being jet lagged, but they invited us to drink some cheap Auzzie wine, (apparently the best way to get over jet lag) so of course I'm game. Shortly after, some German guy puked on himself. GO GERMANY. I met a girl from Manchester, who reminded me a lot of people back home. This is because she filled me in with hostel gossip. She told me of "Richard the Creep", a dude in his 40's who looks like a leather skinned, acid abused Richard Branson, with a bald spot. He pushes drugs to the bars in Kings Cross (this is the sketchy part of town we are staying at) and he creeps on girls in the hostel. As well she told me of a time when he went to the free food bin, pulled out this Jam that people have been avoiding for days because it looked so disgusting and left to the bathroom and never came back with the jam. Then the next day he told her how much he loved the free food bin in this place, and didn't she think the same?
While recovering from jet lag, I cannot sleep past 7am. Things I noticed at 7 are 1) street cleaning everymorning. Its no wonder the city looks so nice. 2) How many people are up running, reading in parks and enjoying the Auzzie weather. 3) Hookers packing up for the night and looking for drugs.
We stayed 4 nights in Sydney but at the end of them we decided that it was enough, the city is crazy busy and you can easily spend a load of money here. So we decide to take a 7 dollar train ride up to NewCastle.